More Woodworking Projects
This butternut cabinet
is one of my favorite projects It's my own design with raised
pannels, mortice & tennon joinery (loose tennons on the mitered
doors), & hand cut half blind dovetail joints in the drawer.
The vanity & chimney
cabinet are made of native oak. Lots of raised pannels & mortice
& tennon joints here too! Notice that all 3 pannels in the
chimney cabinet are cut from the same board. Rachel told me that
I need to say that I also made the nifty towel peg.
Three race cars that
I carved for my three kids. All three were carved from the same
chunk of (HARD, old, heavy) oak. Not easy stuff to work with but
they stand up to all kinds of abuse! This photo was taken several
years ago, Rachel's a married lady now!
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